Many debates has been going on on the Ellis Island bridge. Should the location be move from the Battery Park location, where people catch the ferry. Furthermore, should a public bridge be build between Ellis Island and Liberty State Park. Is would make the access to the park use and free for the visitors. However, you won't have access to Status of Liberty and will have to travel to New Jersey to access the bridge.
To understand and find a solution that serves everyone best interest, a REAP study was done. The study was done to both sides. In New York side to see how the management, public and local business feels about it. Visitors and local residents was ask to give their input too. Same was done to the Jersey side. People was ask if there like the idea to go to Jerseys to access the park and vice verse. The study has been done however, a conclusion or decision hasn't been reach yet. It is still an ongoing debate. Hopefully, in the near future we will see some implementation.