Tuesday, November 15, 2011

UL P.269-279 (WItsoe)

India is a land of many subcultural and many languages. I believe it is one of the most diverse nations in the world. Within this diversity there are practices that come out of religion. Indian cast system which is directly come from Hinduism. In which, Brahmins is the highest of the caste and the untouchable is the lowest.  There are strong prejudice in between the different castes and also strong alliances between the same caste members. The untouchable are treated really badly. They are not allowed to enter anyone house or eat with them. There are left alone in the outskirt of the city. No one from the other caste is even allowed to touch them. Questions come to mind when I hear you can’t touch them. What if a untouchable person get sick on into an accident, Shouldn’t we as a human being help out a person in need regardless of race, sex, or in this case caste?  

In Patna, India a ground of mafia ring is terrorizing the local business and wealthy people. This mafia ground are asking for extortion money and also giving protection for hire. Furthermore, businesses hire them to destroy their competition. These criminals are well connected with government officials such as senate and other high positioned government official.

Low P. 37-68

Park is places people come to relax or to indulge in physical activity. It is meant for people of all different ages and races. However, it is not the case in most national parks in USA. Managements seek funding for private organization and give exclusive treatment to those members. It is more and more being used by white and middle class families. “African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and other of people of color have been found to attend only local parks in their numbers proportional to their percentage of the total population (Woolf 1996)” (Low, p-41). Other peoples of color and non-white low class families seem to not effort the luxury of a trip to the beautiful natural treasure hidden in USA. Furthermore, park official designing the park for private members doesn’t really help the total population. 

The Public Space Research Group conducted User Study of the Prospect Park in the summer of 1996. Data collection continued over the following years and the final report was submitted in May 1998. The purpose of the research is to see the potential for the user to explore how the park functioned as a sociocultural space. 357 users were randomly interviewed with respect to the neighborhood and city demographic. As a result of this study, park official made changed to better meet the users need and expectation. Park officials made favorable dog walker policy and more.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Low P.19-36

We are surrounded by so many parks but how many of us know the specific type and history. Setha Low gives us a historical background of the parks around us in United States of America. Parks was first in North America in the early nineteenth century. There are many different types of park such as landscape park, recreational parks, beach parks, and historical parks. Urban parks are different than squares and commons, there are usually larger such as Central Park. They are design according to the city they surrounded in.
Prospect Park is a beautiful park so I have heard and I work literally few blocks from it, however I have never been there. It was a product of the park movement in North America in 1840s for a 50-year period. The movement had philosophical, theological, and nationalistic sources to make such beautiful park happened for us to enjoy. Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx is also one of the parks I have never been to. It is build and constructed modernly than the most other parks. It is also the largest unit in the New York City park system.
Parks are great places to hang out and socialized or just to relax. It a great places for activity such as sports. Being out in the open in the fresh air is very healthy too. We don’t realize how important parks are to humanity and civilization.

Low P.1-18

William H. Whyte started his research on public spaces in New York City for seven years. He found a big decline in the uses of most public spaces. His researches lead to the "rules for small urban spaces," which rules were used by the Planning Department. He also fears that the effect of unused public spaces are the results of privatization, commercialization and a deliberate program for the users.
Our fears of terrorist and personal bias are also reason for unused public spaces. Our fears and safety has made us give us our civil liberty. Now, we want to live in gated and well surveillance areas. The high increase in law enforcement and retinal-scanning technologies to detract terrorist is costing more than just money, it costing us our freedom and social diversity.
Anthologies has done so much research  and had come up with so many theories keep pubic spaces in regular used by diversity social group for democratic behavior and gathering.  Seth Low founded the Public Space Research Group, which has done lots of study on urban parks and it uses.
It talks about all the benefit of park and public spaces, however it don’t mention any of the dangers. Lots of park is gang territory. Such public spaces are where lots of drug dealing happens. It is true we should take back our public space and be in diversity but I don't blame those who don't indulge in it.